Experience the power of touch. Each massage will leave you in complete relaxation and Young Living essential oils and hot towels are incorporated into each session. Couples massage must be booked at least 2 weeks in advance & can be booked by calling the spa.
30 mins - $45 | 45 mins - $65 | 60 mins - $85 | 90 mins - $125
Our signature therapeautic spa massage is the manipulation of the body’s soft tissue through intentional movements that stimulate circulation and promote relaxation to the body and mind. This session is personalized for your body’s needs in that specific moment.
This 90 min holistic technique is designed to bring balance, healing & detox properties to the body & mind with its relaxing application of Young Living Essential Oils. This unique method combines reflexology, aromatherapy, traditional massage techniques, & the application of oils directly onto your spine & the corresponding reflex points of the feet. It can help strengthen the immune system & help with many spine ailments.
The Migraine Miracle® healing method incorporates cold stone therapy and specific proprietary essential oil blends to offer dramatic relief from migraine & sinus pressure headaches without the use of prescription drugs. Cryo Therapy & DPL/LED Therapy are also available for migraine relief see "Targeted Pain Relief" for more info. You will also enjoy the added benefit of being grounded during this treatment with one of our earthing mats
45 mins - $70 | 90 mins - $130 | 120 mins - $175
Known for its healing properties, warm bamboo sticks work as an extension through the hands of the masseuse being used to roll & knead the tissue, helping to alleviate muscle tension at a deeper level.
Treatment includes using one or more of our pain relieving modalities such as Cryo Therapy, DPL light therapy, Sauna, Cupping, Kansa Wand, EMS, massage, grounding patches, herbs, oils, &/or pain salves. Treatment can be added to any massage or performed alone to help manage pain in a specific area. ~Our service providers are NOT doctors. We CANNOT medically treat you, prescribe medication, nor give medical advice. Please consult with your doctor first for medical conditions or injuries.
60 mins - $105 | 90 mins - $140 | 120 mins - $185
A luxurious massage using warm smooth black basalt stones or pink Himalayan salt stones to further enhance your relaxing experience. The stones provide a detoxing effect, more pressure, & heat therapy, relieving muscle tension at a deeper level. Rest assured the stones are only warm, and will not burn
30 mins - $45 | 60 mins - $85
In this treatment, acupressure and massage techniques are used to stimulate certain areas of the feet, hands, & ears. These areas are believed to correspond to different parts of the body through our nervous system, which then promotes your overall health and well-being.
45 mins - $80 | 90 mins - $140 | 120 mins - $185
A traditional Chinese technique that relies on negative pressure, creating suction on the skin, as opposed to the compression techniques that are normally used during a massage. Several benefits include: improving circulation, lymphatic drainage, releasing joint stiffness, improving anxiety, and more! Your choice of manual silicon or mechanical cups.